On October 1, 2017 former Impact Wrestling President Billy Corgan and Impact Producer David Lagana left the promotion to helm the storied National Wrestling Alliance. Also on that day they contacted acting United President and CWFH Executive Producer David Marquez to create a relationship that would bring the famous “10 lbs. of Gold”, the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship, back to national television via CWFH and Championship Wrestling from Arizona programming. Tim Storm, Nick Aldis and Jocephus have all been seen and accepted by our TV audience with great fanfare. Many fans have been speculating on how the NWA title will be featured once the United World Championship is crowned later this year. HollywoodWrestling.com recently caught up with David Marquez and asked the man himself.
“The NWA Worlds Championship is a very special piece of pro wrestling. I’m not just talking about the history, but the image itself,” says Marquez. “When Lightning One (the NWA’s parent company) approached me about working with them in getting the iconic ’10 lbs. of gold’ back on television I couldn’t say no. They knew from the get go that we were in the process of crowning our own champion in 2018, but the United title isn’t the NWA Title. But I do hope that someday it will be seen in the same light. So when we do have our World Champion, we still plan on showcasing the NWA Champion as a special featured attraction across United.”

At print time, NWA Worlds Champion Nick Aldis is scheduled to appear on CWFH several times in 2018, including being featured in the main event on two upcoming United branded international cards. For more info on the National Wrestling Alliance, please follow @NWA on Twitter and Instagram.
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