#RCR16 – Eric Watts vs. Julius Coleman – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW

- Eric Watts, led by the cryptic and creepy Ty Matthews, has recently captured the Percy Pringle III Memorial Cup from an injured Rocky Romero. Since then, both have been on a war path.
- Julius Coleman may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but a chance encounter with Watts backstage, led to Coleman receiving a beatdown that could only be defined as a scary display of strength. It would be showing off…if it weren’t so dangerous.
- REVENGE. Coleman wants a shot at Watts where he can look him in the eye and fight him – not a backstage mugging.

- Ty Matthews – The only thing that the preacher behind “Hyperoptimsm” has made clear about his plans for the PP3 Cup is THAT he has a plan. He orchestrated the attack on Coleman and must have known it would result in this match. That leads to the conclusion that Matthews wanted this match…but why?
- The PP3 Cup – Watts still holds the cup, which means he yields ‘Percy’s Privilege’ – entitling him to be granted a match for any championship of his choosing at the time of his choosing. With all titles in the building, will Watts exercise his privilege? The element of surprise may never be more on his side.
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