Yuma is seeking something – is what he’s looking for inside the PP3 Cup?
Two years ago, Yuma won the Percival Pringle III Memorial Cup – and that was a dark day in Hollywood. Yuma’s victory heralded the rise of the age of Vermin. As Vermin’s unquestioned leader, his victory set a tone that ultimately led to all of the gold in Hollywood being seized by the banes of the Marquez family’s existence.
Yuma, himself, took home the big prize. He used ‘Percy’s Privilege‘ exactly the way everyone expected he would. He surprised a beaten and unsuspecting Hobo to take the Hollywood Heritage Championship.
These days, Vermin is gone. Yuma is alone. And there is something… different about him. He has shown a reluctance to cheat and a desire to make a change… though he hasn’t quite figured out how or what. The violent and sadistic streak is still there, though. Just ask Jarek 1:20 who mistakenly thought the new Yuma was a ripe target and got destroyed in a non-sanctioned contest that saw Yuma stop at nothing to punish his opponent.
Yuma’s search for what comes next will become a lot more focused if he has a short-cut to gold in his hands, and he knows that. Maybe making him the most dangerous person in this tournament.
Be there for the 5th Annual Percival Pringle III Memorial Cup on Sunday January 15th at the Oceanview Pavilion in Pt. Hueneme! More details on this FREE event at https://www.hollywoodwrestling.com/event/11517

THREE Huge Main Events This Sunday In Pt Hueneme!
Three Episodes means Three Huge Main Events This Sunday!
FREE this Sunday at 3pm at the Oceanview Pavilion (click here for info)
MAIN EVENT #1 – Big Duke vs DJ Hyde in a STRAP MATCH
DJ Hyde has been one step ahead of Big Duke for months. Every time Duke turns his back, DJ strikes. Every time Duke is about to get his hands on DJ, DJ escapes. And so it has gone. At one point DJ hurt Duke so badly that he put Duke in the hospital, leading to DJ being fined and suspended. So it comes as no surprise that Duke was thrilled to be granted a Strap Match against his rival.
With Duke literally bound to him, DJ won’t be able to get away. But, it can’t be ignored that Duke is also volunteering to be bound to DJ Hyde – the Lariat God. Was this all just a part of DJ’s plan? Both men seem to think they have the other right where he wants them. We’ll see who is right this Sunday!
MAIN EVENT #2 – Jarek 1:20 vs. Yuma in a NON-SANCTIONED MATCH
It’s been a rough year for Yuma. After working his way back from injury to reclaim the throne as leader of Vermin, he quickly saw the group at Red Carpet Rumble. On his own, he quickly became a target.
In his first post-Vermin moment, he attempted to address the crowd at the Oceanview Pavilion when an unsettling video of Yuma playing with his newborn son suddenly found its way onto the video monitors. For weeks Yuma’s family was stalked and voyeuristically documented until Yuma finally was able to capture the culprit in the act and unmasked his tormentor as Jarek 1:20.
Jarek employed an army of clowns to torment Yuma, kidnapping him and hanging him from the ceiling of the Pavilion for hours. Despite the requests of his doctors and family, Yuma recovered and returned to strike Jarek at his own birthday party. With the emotional and physical stakes running so high, the Marquez family cannot (in good conscience) sanction a match between the two; however, both have agreed to waive their rights and settle their differences in the ring.
MAIN EVENT #3– Bad Dude Tito vs. “Pretty” Peter Avalon for the Hollywood Heritage Championship
Bad Dude Tito has been crying “conspiracy” toward the Marquez family and their “favorite child” – Avalon – for quite a while. His claims gained some odd traction at Milestone. In their Championship match, which Tito earned by winning the Red Carpet Rumble, Nikolas Marquez made a fast/awkward (and seemingly incomplete) three-count in the place of a downed official.
The confusing moment sent Peter home with his belt, sent Tito home furious and sent a nervous Marquez home quickly. The conspiracy theory seemed proven right; however, until Avalon stepped through the curtain to inform Tito that he didn’t like the end of their first match anymore than he did and that he would be willing to offer his wronged challenger a rematch. Tito accepted and has done something unprecedented since then – he’s stayed quite.
A focused/angry Bad Dude could be Bad News for Avalon. But, CWFH has been here before – writing Avalon’s eulogy before a championship match. Yet, Avalon just officially climbed to the top of the record books as the longest-reigning champion in Hollywood history. Hard to imagine there could come a day where it wasn’t PPA All Day.

Hollywood Heritage Champion Peter Avalon To Take On Rocky Romero Nov 22nd
Noel Marquez has announced that Rocky Romero will be challenging Hollywood Heritage Champion “Pretty” Peter Avalon at the November 22nd SUPERSHOW in Pt. Hueneme, CA at the Oceanview Pavilion! Admission to the event is FREE! More info
Additionally, Hollywood Heritage Tag Team Champions Timothy Thatcher & Drew Gulak will take on the undefeated Cold Cold World and United Wrestling Network Television Champion “Main Event” James Morgan takes on Ryan Taylor of Vermin.
Stay tuned to HollywoodWrestling.com for more updates on the show as it comes in!

The Vermin Solution
By: Grant Baciocco
The problem is clear. As much as we hate to admit the truth, Vermin is now in an incredible position of power. They hold all the Championships in Championship Wrestling from Hollywood and, because of this, they have been able to force Dave Marquez to lift “The Vermin Rule” putting the entire roster in danger of out of the blue attack by these pieces of garbage.
Now, I am not a wrestler, so I can’t step into the ring and take the fight to Vermin directly, but I have been doing a lot of thinking about some possible solutions to the Vermin Problem. Here’s what I’ve come up with.
This is the most immediate solution that comes to mind. The former, recent, CWFH champions must band together as a unified force to run Vermin out of Hollywood. The Hobo, Scorpio Sky and PPrAy need to group together as one and reclaim what is theirs. We’ve seen signs of these four men working together in the past, but it seems as if they never fully commit to the idea. I believe the main hurdle in this scenario is that you have just a huge clash of styles that aren’t gelling together properly. The Hobo’s brawling, Scorpio Sky’s technical superiority and PPrAy’s fun loving but lighting fast offense seem to mix well on paper, but combining these different elements in the ring is a completely different matter. So far it has yet to happen, but I’m still holding out hope.
Che Cabrerra and Sacha Darevko are two of the most dominating wrestlers in Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. Their combined power and, frankly, underhanded tactics in the ring make them feared opponents for anyone to be standing across the ring from. They are definitely more powerful than many of the members of Vermin, but can they get the job done? I think it’s possible, but unfortunately, I feel Revolution might be too busy trying to bring their own Revolution to fruition to worry about Vermin. Also, as of late, it seems there might be a bit of a divide between Che and Sacha and that’s something that would definitely need to be worked out before they were to face Vermin. Mistrust is something Vermin feeds off of and they would only use that to their advantage. The other obvious disadvantage here is the numbers game. Che and Sacha would need to add a few more members of Revolution in order to properly take on Vermin.
As much grief as Stu Stone gives, well, everyone who knows him, I have to admit he is pretty crafty when it comes to laying out ring strategy. Perhaps Stu can rebuild up the ranks of The Family Stone and make a charge at Vermin. Perhaps Stu’s tendency to bend the rules a bit would be like fighting fire with fire when it comes to Vermin. With Vermin holding all the titles, they are certainly a target for Stu’s machinations, as he’s all about getting the gold. Unfortunately, Stu seems a little pre-occupied with James “Main Event” Morgan and his war with Othello to be able to marshal forces to go up against Vermin.
This one is a little ‘out of the box’ but perhaps that’s just what we need here. For the past several weeks, we’ve watched as Bateman has assembled his Cirque du Monstres. He’s collected three men who haven’t made huge waves here in Hollywood and refocused them into sadistic carnival attractions that frighten just about anyone who looks upon them. Perhaps this is just the weapon we need against Vermin. Unpredictability. No one is quite sure what Bateman’s ultimate goals in CWFH are, but I would love to see him lead his team of Imbécile, Jarek 1:20, and Buffoon in a charge against Vermin. I don’t think Vermin would know what to think.
Perhaps there’s a combination of wrestlers on the roster who could band together that we just haven’t thought about yet. Timothy Thatcher and Drew Gulak would certainly not shrink away from going toe to toe with Vermin. Recently, the team of Cold Cold World debuted, led by Ceasar B. Black. What a foursome they would make with Thatcher and Gulak! I could see them putting a big hurt on Vermin. And where is Willie Mack in all this? With his experience, I think he would be a great general to lead the charge against Vermin. Or perhaps right now, at the CWFH WrestleCenter, there are some surprises for Vermin that are just waiting to make their big break. I don’t know.
These are several solutions I have come up with. If you have thoughts, let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter. The bottom line is…SOMETHING has to be done about Vermin, and quick!