WATTS outlasted 29 other competitors in the 2019 Red Carpet Rumble, including Hollywood Heritage Champion “Uptown” Andy Brown, to hold his hand high in victory. Winning this annual event has always brought luck to the victor, but in this case it also brought a Championship reign to the man called WATTS. With the Hollywood Heritage Title on the line in the Rumble match itself, the “Squash God” eliminated a record eleven other contenders before pinning the Champion to call himself the top dog in Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. With luck ever in his favor, WATTS must defend his newly won crown against the unpredictable Luchasaurus on September 14th at AZ150.
Luchasaurus has (dino)soared into the pro wrestling spotlight over the last year in Main Events all over the world. The man who proclaims that he is “half dinosaur, half luchador” is a tough opponent for WATTS going into AZ150. Green hair and scales aside, Luchasaurus is an immensely powerful striker and can match the Hollywood Heritage Champion’s size and power – not something that any of WATTS’ recent opponents have been able to claim. Is WATTS’ new title reign in jeopardy?

“I hope the building is reinforced,” warns WATTS, “because I’m going to beat Luchasaurus’ ass.”
WATTS defends the Hollywood Heritage Championship against Luchasaurus at AZ150 on September 14 at the Nile Theater. Be there!